Why Arborwear Wednesday: Josie Cremeans

Aug 10, 2022 6:29:04 AM / by Kaitlin Ryan

Why Arborwear Wednesday: Josie Cremeans

A Q&A with our employee who makes Arborwear so amazing

Arborwear is a very special place, and it is the employees who make it so special. Our connections are what cultivates our family culture. That is why we are spotlighting our employees' alignment with our company vision, mission, and values. Josie is our E-Commerce Coordinator who has been with Arborwear for over a year! Learn more about Josie:


Q: What drew you to Arborwear originally?

A:  Family is very important to me, and I wanted to find a company that valued it in the same way. It was clear that Arborwear is a company that sticks by their values and treats their employees like family. That ultimately drew me to the company.


Q: How has the company changed since?

A: Arborwear has grown tremendously and the culture has not changed a bit!

Josie and Kyle on Arborwear Halloween 2021 wearing Bob Ross and a painting costume

Q: What is your favorite Arborwear memory?

A: The day we all wore costumes for Halloween.


Q: What motivates you to wake up and go to work?

A: I have a strong drive to learn and prove myself as a young professional. My goal is to make an impact and help my colleagues in any way I can!


Q: What is your proudest moment at Arborwear?

A: My proudest moment would be assisting in the integration of our ERP system. Starting out as an intern and getting hired full-time is pretty cool, too.

Arborwear Marketing team retreat. Team posing for the picture by a river in the woods.

Q: What is the best career lesson/advice you’ve learned so far?

A: “Use the power of youth and fresh set of eyes to your full advantage”


Q: What has been your favorite project so far?

A: I compiled the results of every coupon code Arborwear has ever had. It was fun to see the numbers and analyze the data to make decisions moving forward.


Q: What do you like to do when you aren’t working?

A: I love hanging with family, working out, visiting new coffee shops, thrifting, and being outside!


Q: What are 3 words to describe you?

A: Curious, witty, and compassionate.


Q: What’s a fun fact about you many people may not know about?

A: I played the drums when I was younger and had full intention to start a band with my sister and her friend.


Q: If you could meet anyone in the world, dead or alive, who would it be and why?

A: Amy Poehler. She is an incredible woman and I think we would share a lot of laughs.


Josie and her dog

Hi-5 Josie for all of your contributions, we appreciate you more than you’ll ever know!

Tags: Insider

Kaitlin Ryan

Written by Kaitlin Ryan

Content Coordinator

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